Every Woman’s Guide to the Attitude That Attracts Success
Women now hold nearly 52 percent of professional-level jobs across all fields and outnumber men in earning college degrees, both undergraduate and advanced, as national statistics and numerous studies attest. In the top circles of leadership, however, women are rarely seen and heard. Among America’s Fortune 500 companies, based on figures released in 2015, women claim about 25 percent of senior management positions and comprise less than 5 percent of CEOs. What can the majority of undeniably qualified and extremely diligent women do to close the persistent gender power gap?
A veteran of corporate America who beat the odds to achieve executive status with two media giants, Grace Killelea tells women striving for success: “You must be good at what you do. You must exceed expectations. But competence is only half the equation.” She focuses on helping women develop the other half—the critical link between being highly capable of leadership and being recognized and rewarded for that capability—in her new book, THE CONFIDENCE EFFECT: Every Woman’s Guide to the Attitude That Attracts Success (AMACOM; January 12, 2016).
Yes, as other authors have argued, armed with findings in neuroscience and psychology, women tend to lack confidence to their career detriment. Moving beyond diagnosis and data, THE CONFIDENCE EFFECT delivers what really matters: a solution. Backed by experience, Grace Killelea provides the tools to help every undervalued woman build a connection between her assets and her belief in herself. “Too often,” she acknowledges, “we minimize what we do when what we do is actually exceptional!”